Friday 15 March 2013

Build another nest

Right outside our apartment is a big jacaranda tree. Its branches offer good shade, and the view it gives from my bedroom and kitchen window is priceless. But a little over a month ago, I discovered that I was not the only one who had formed an attachment to the tree.  I noticed there was a bird that began to make frequent visits to this particular tree. Before I knew it, what at first seemed like gibberish was skilfully and quickly being thatched into a nest. The bird worked diligently day after day. I noticed that she wasn’t alone either; there was another one which I guessed was the male. He often flew off to bring more building material as well as food for the both of them. I was fascinated to say the least! I don’t know at what point the bird laid its eggs, but I realized that she had started brooding and would stay perched over them, with occasional shifts to change position. She stood up whenever the male brought her food, and then she’d soon assume her place over her precious eggs. I watched this happen day in and day out. I would draw my bedroom curtains early in the morning to see what the bird was up to, and sure enough without fail the routine was just as it had been from the start. I began to tell my husband about my little friends who lived on the jacaranda tree. He was quite amused at first at how I’d taken an interest on the birds, but before he knew it, he also began to have a soft spot for them. 

Yesterday morning I woke up and after many days and nights of unbearable heat, I heard the sound of falling rain. Copious amounts of it poured, and I was delighted! But when I stood in the kitchen looking out the window I realized that my joy concerning the rain might not be shared by my mother-to-be on the jacaranda tree. The rain was falling hard on her and just like any brooding mother would, she braved it, and ensured that her eggs remained shielded from the rain. I mentioned to my husband how sorry I felt that they didn’t have shelter. Again, he was amused but reminded me that God created them to survive and endure all sorts of weather.  (I guess I already knew that. lol) My worries were quickly forgotten as I got ready to leave for work. But somewhere in between my thoughts and preparations I was interrupted by the sound of a creature in distress! It took me a minute or two to register what was going on. I dashed to my bedroom window and sure enough my fears were confirmed!

Now I don’t know how many of you have ever seen an eagle up close…well yesterday I did. At first I was taken aback by how much presence that bird possessed. It is a beautiful, strong, massive bird! Eagles are very rare; I may have seen only two others in my lifetime and never were they this close. But I quickly got over my awe and realized that the eagle was causing some serious damage! It was eating the eggs that the other bird had been brooding over for weeks! Now I too was in distress, and  called my husband hoping he could do something, anything to stop the mess that was unfolding right in front of my eyes. He immediately began to clap his hands loudly to scare the eagle, and it amazingly, it worked! The eagle flew off and the other bird together with her mate who had been watching helplessly at a distance quickly flew back to their nest to salvage whatever was left. But less than a minute later the eagle swooped back to the nest and the poor birds flew off again unable to stand up to it. Their cry for help was deafening, and my husband was frantically clapping to scare the big bird off again and just like the first time it flew off only this time perching just a few branches up on the tree. The other birds returned once again to their nest, the mother picked her eggs one by one, each with its contents gone…none had been spared. In despair and frustration she threw the empty shells out of the nest. Though this might sound somewhat silly, I whispered a prayer for the poor birds and believe it or not, a minute later the eagle flew away, never to be seen again (I hope).

I forgot that I’d been getting ready for work. I felt like the birds in the nest were my project, my eggs! LOL. We continued to watch as the mother bird tore it’s nest as though in mourning. It threw out the feathers, sticks, leaves and tore it down to shreds. I am not one to be moved by animals…my friends will testify to that. But that sight brought tears to my eyes. 

Well, I had to leave for work and my husband tried best as he could to cheer me up, and as we recounted that dramatic event on the drive to work he said, “That is so like the devil”. And I thought to myself, ‘Isn’t it’? Isn’t it like the devil to let you work hard at building something…he watches you as you put all your eggs in one basket  (pun intended), watches you nurture them, and just when they are about to hatch he comes and destroys them? The Word of God calls him a destroyer, a usurper, a devourer, a killer of everything that lives or has potential to live. 

I thought of the countless times I have put my heart and mind to something. I have invested my time, energy, and resources in projects that I had faith in. And just like that brooding bird I’ve taken all the necessary precautions to ensure that my plan, my dream was safeguarded against any misfortune. But as life would have it, I’ve watched many of those slip through my fingers like sand. Others have exploded in my face and only left traces of the mess that was once my dream. I can relate to that bird tearing its nest up because I’ve known how it feels to be so frustrated that tears cannot suffice. I’ve wanted to be absent from everything that has brought pain and destruction to my life.  You know those moments when you’re alive but you’ve totally checked out, resigned from life? These are the dark nights of the soul; the overwhelming feeling of despair.
As I have continued to grow in my walk with the Lord I have learned that He is the giver and keeper of my dreams. I have come to know that there are times He allows the dark nights to come because He knows that His grace will be sufficient for me. I also know that everything He allows to come my way He somehow reworks for His glory and for my good. I am a much stronger woman than I was before because the 
constant breaking has pushed me to the throne of grace. Sometimes I’ve had to crawl there, and other times I’ve gone running.  But either way I have found healing for every brokenness, and restoration for every lost dream. I see now how God used the dark threads in the tapestry of my life to draw me back to Himself.
The enemy of your soul is always on the prowl seeking to devour you, and your dreams.  If he can’t take you out he will try to snuff out your purpose and your passion. But this should in no way scare you. You must understand that he has no authority over you as a believer. He will try and discourage you, but remember this: he is a defeated foe!

When I got home from work yesterday I was so sad to see that the birds had finished destroying their nest and vacated what had been their home for weeks. I went to the bedroom to unwind and as I lay there I heard what sounded like a ruffling of feathers. Could it be…? I got up and went to the window and a big smile spread across my face. The birds! They were back! Well, they were now on the farthest end of the tree, but what I could not believe was that there was the tinniest genesis of a nest they had started constructing! They were starting over! I could not contain my joy.

I realize now more than ever that God is not limited by circumstances. If one dream has been destroyed, beloved, find the courage to dream another! Don’t give up. I know even as I write this that the enemy is kicking himself in the foot because he never knew I would turn up like this; he never imagined it! Because of the countless times he’s hit me with his best shot and yet here I am, still standing, still hoping, still believing…all by the grace of God.

I pray that as you read this the spirit of God will breathe new life into you. I hope you will gather yourself up and build another nest. Maybe you had a miscarriage, or maybe your career plans fell apart. Maybe someone broke your heart, or maybe you just lost your job. Whatever it may be, God is more than able to heal, restore, and give you a new dream. I pray that He will use every pain, every despair, and every hurt you have had to endure to be the impetus that will push you closer to your destiny.

It’s not over; far from it. Build another nest.

Kambua M.