Thursday 1 August 2013

The Tide is Changing.

A story is told of a woman by the name of Hannah. She was beautiful, and when time was right she married a man who absolutely adored her.  Everything a woman dreamed of, Hannah had- all apart from this one thing: she could not have a child. Year in, year out she and her husband tried but their efforts were futile. At first it was OK because they were newlywed, but after months, that soon turned into years Hannah began to despair. Her husband’s love for her never wavered and he continued to reassure her, letting her know that she was all he would ever need, but you see, inasmuch as he loved her, he could not even begin to understand her emptiness, and her pain. 

Now Hannah had a co-wife, her name was Peninnah. She may not have been very easy on the eye, but boy was she able to bear children!  She was able to do the one thing that Hannah had been unable to, and with a lot of ease at that.  Day after day Hannah watched as Peninnah’s children grew and jealously noticed the sparkle they brought to her husband’s eyes. It hurt Hannah so much whenever she saw  the smirk on Peninnah’s face; she needed not say much…her demeanor spoke everything that her words failed to.  Hannah envied Peninnah and her ability to conceive so effortlessly. Peninnah in turn saw Hannah’s struggle and taunted her mercilessly for it because you see, bareness was a source of great humiliation and shame for a woman in those days. Her mockery pierced right to the core of who Hannah was, and only God saw the silent tears she shed.

The pain that Hannah carried in her heart became the impetus that pushed her to her knees. Hannah prayed. She went to the temple whenever she could to offer her sacrifice to God, asking for nothing else, but for him to bless her with just but one child. One day, the Priest found her praying. She had cried herself sore…her voice was gone, and only her lips were seen to be moving. Surely, she must be drunk! He thought to himself and asked her as much. But in despair Hannah told him her story, or at least the little she had the courage to share. Well, as the story goes, in the fullness of time God remembered Hannah. She conceived and gave birth to one of the greatest prophets of all time. God remembered Hannah! He covered her nakedness and her shame. He wiped her tears.

I have been waiting on God for something for a while now- not a baby like Hannah, but I have needed it almost as much.  And just so you know, I am writing this in faith and with great expectation in my heart, knowing that God will make my wait worth every minute...every tear…every prayer that I have whispered. If you have ever had to wait on God for something then you will agree that it is not easy. Sometimes you wait, and wait, and wait…and then when you finally hear from God He tells you to...wait some more.  In these times I have found my patience wearing thin, but somehow God by His grace breathes new life into me, and helps me wait it out.

For some of you reading this, your ‘baby’ could be your desire to get married, or maybe your desperate hunt for a could even be a real baby like Hannah, and people keep reminding you; they make it so apparent that you are still not where you ought to be. I remember attending tonnes of wedding as a single lady. I sang at most of them, and was a bridesmaid in one, too many! I enjoyed being a part of these ceremonies but I absolutely detested how people- and especially the married ones, kept asking when I would get married! They just would not let up. Some did it out of genuine concern (lol!), but most others had the Peninnah Syndrome- that need to taunt others and remind them how ‘late’ they are, and how time is not on their side. But you see beloved, your Peninnah never gets to know when the tide is changing; she does not realize when God starts to shift things around for you, and oh when He does…!

As you continue to wait on God, this is one thing I know beyond any shadow of doubt: He is faithful and true to His word. He watches over it to perform it. Sometimes He allows us to wait on Him because it builds our muscle and puts us in a place of total dependence on Him.  For every dream there has to be a process, and this process will always serve as a reminder of the priceless value in a God-given dream.

God I thank you that you have allowed my faith to be tested in ways I never imagined. I thank you for the years I have been in waiting, trusting you to bring my dreams to pass because had I not waited I may never  have understood the matchless value in your blessings. At this time I pray for anyone reading this, that is in desperate need for a miracle. I am joining my faith with theirs knowing fully well that you are getting ready to blow their mind, and all those who have mocked them will be silenced for good. I thank you God because you do over and abundantly above all that we could ask or think. 

The psalmist David could not have said it better, “Wait on the Lord, be of good cheer and He will strengthen your heart”. And then my favorite part is when he goes on to add, “…wait, again I say wait…on the Lord”.

Peninnah had her time, but now...the tide is changing.

Kambua M.