Friday 17 April 2015

You Must Win

When the year began, I shared with you that I was choosing to stay hopeful in spite of all that had happened in my life. As I wrote, I never knew that in less than a week I would be laying my little niece to rest. It was a devastating experience for my family and definitely not the way to start a new year. But you know, we are still staying hopeful. My prayer has been that God will not allow our hope to be cut off. You see, sometimes life can deal you blow after blow, after blow... but our victory in God is guaranteed. It is like a match that has been fixed- however many punches the enemy throws, we are guaranteed to win. 

Rachel Johnston Photography
A little while ago someone read through my blog and decided to write me a lengthy message whose summary was: Stop believing in God.  Ordinarily my first instinct would have been anger, and self-defense. I would have retaliated in an equally lengthy manner...but instead my heart broke for him, because you see, the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are lost and are perishing. I cling on to God despite everything I may have lost because I when I look back I see that what I have gained is so much more... I also know that these trials, the testing of my faith is only for a moment. 
I am not besotted, drunk on false hope and clinging to a nonexistent possibility.  This is not a monumental effort; this is as real as it gets.

For anyone who is reading this and feeling that they have been standing in the rain too long, hear me say: it will subside. The best thing about winter, is that spring is coming. The best thing about darkness is that the dawn awaits. The best thing about mourning is that joy is guaranteed.  God is about to turn things around for you perceive it?

From my heart to yours,
Kambua M.