Friday 12 February 2016

How Long?

You have heard it said time and time again that waiting on God is worthwhile. While this is in fact very true, nobody tells you how daunting a task waiting is. I have made countless prayers to God, and trusted that He will come through for me- and God is faithful. He listens, and answers. But every once in a while I feel as though my prayers fall on a sandy beach, waiting to be washed away by the tide…prayers out, and no answer…just silence…almost as if they are gone with the wind. I start to get anxious, and ask the Lord, “Didn’t you hear my prayer”? And he ever so gently whispers to my heart, “Hush child; I heard you even before you asked”.
So why then does it take so painfully long for the manifestation of it to come?

Emmanuel Jambo photography
I am reminded of a promise that was once made by God to Abraham. He was old, and his wife was barren. But God made him a promise, that he would be the father of many nations. Quite laughable I must say! No wonder his beloved Sarai decided to devise her own plans by getting a surrogate. But this was not God’s plan. God had clearly said that Sarai would bear a son. It took 25 years from when God made the promise, to when Sarai conceived and bore a son. 25 long years!! This is more than half the life I’ve lived…but God did it. He kept His Word.

You see beloved, God is not a man that He should lie. He watches over His Word to perform it. These are not empty words, this is #truth! You can take it to the bank. His Word is His bond, and God is not out to play games with you. He is not in heaven gambling or playing hide and seek. When you feel as though His face is hidden from you, look a little closer…and when you cannot see, lean in and listen. You will hear Him speak comfort to you and a reassurance that He has not forgotten you.

Waiting on God can be tiring, trying, and very 
confusing. There are days I have my praise on ‘fleek’, and confidently claim how I don’t mind waiting on God. Then there are days when I am a hot, disappointed mess! My heart bleeds and all I can say through my sore voice, and puffy eyes is, “How long, O Lord, how long”?

I know for a fact that God will not let me, nor you be put to shame. He will give you double honor in the very place you have been mocked. In the presence of your enemies, He will lay a bountiful feast.

God who blessed Abraham and Sarah. God who opened Hannah’s womb. Jehovah El Roi, who remembered Hagar in the wilderness. The God who delivered the Israelites from Egypt. God who multiplied two fish and five loaves. God who restored everything that Job lost. God of the impossible. God who knows no limits. God who is not bound by time nor dictated by seasons- This is your God! Whatever it is you are trusting Him for, won’t He do it! He is working on your behalf, as you trust Him and wait on Him. Not one of the promises God has made over your life will fail. He will bring them all to pass, but only in His time.

So God I ask that you renew every weary heart. Your Word says that you give power to the faint and to him with no might you increase strength. As we continue to pitch our tents in the land of hope, I pray that this hope will not be cut off.

From my heart to yours,

Kambua M.

P/s: Catch me on Instagram: kambuamuziki. Oh and happy Valentine’s day! You are loved…