Wednesday 5 November 2014

More Than Enough

Six months into the toughest season of my life I can confidently say that God is real, and His grace is more than enough. Most of this year has been like a blur, but somehow I have gone through it. I will admit to having questioned God more than once about his will and way of doing things. I have wondered about his purpose for my life, and why it seems to be unfolding layer after layer, painstakingly slowly. I cannot begin to tell you how many melt downs I have had this year, and how many times I have wanted to throw in the towel. But in the same breath, I cannot count how many doors God has opened for me, nor the numerous opportunities that have come my way in a seemingly effortless manner.The thing is, I struggle with understanding the working of God, and yet I love Him ever so deeply; the two are not mutually exclusive.

Photography by Rachel Johnson (at Brooklyn Bridge)
I know for a fact that God does not tempt His own. But I also know that He allows us to be stretched and pressed beyond our usual measure whenever He’s gearing up to do something new in our lives. In my very limited human mind, I would wish this cup- the year 2014 be lifted away from me. Erased. Almost as though it never existed. However, how can I ever tell you that God heals when I have never been broken? Or that he is the lifter of my head when I have not been down trodden? How can I tell you that He is a joy giver when I have not cried myself to sleep? How can I possibly tell you that that you can breath again when I have not had the wind knocked off of me?
For the countless times I have literally had to convince myself to wake up in the morning, and the many instances I have had to drag myself to work, barely making it through the day without falling apart, I see God. His grace has surely covered me.

Beloved, God sees you. He knows your struggle, and He loves you all he same. Over the last couple of weeks I have been reminded that I am not here by chance. None of us are. God planned and orchestrated our existence for His divine plan, and has strategically placed us here to be a light in the darkness. This season in your life is not a mistake. It is significant, no matter how difficult or meaningless it may seem.

My prayer for you as you start this new month is that God will give you sustaining grace until you become all He has called you to be. May your strength be renewed, day by day. May God give you the wisdom you need, to excel and thrive in all you set out to do. Just as I have prayed for divine favor over my life, I pray the same for you beloved. I also pray that you find the courage to wake up every morning, put one foot in front of the other and keep moving even when things do not make sense. I hope that in spite of everything that comes your way, you will choose to live above and not under the circumstances. 
When your hope meter runs low, I pray beloved that you will be reminded of this truth: that God is enough.

From my heart to yours,

Kambua M.