Wednesday 5 November 2014

More Than Enough

Six months into the toughest season of my life I can confidently say that God is real, and His grace is more than enough. Most of this year has been like a blur, but somehow I have gone through it. I will admit to having questioned God more than once about his will and way of doing things. I have wondered about his purpose for my life, and why it seems to be unfolding layer after layer, painstakingly slowly. I cannot begin to tell you how many melt downs I have had this year, and how many times I have wanted to throw in the towel. But in the same breath, I cannot count how many doors God has opened for me, nor the numerous opportunities that have come my way in a seemingly effortless manner.The thing is, I struggle with understanding the working of God, and yet I love Him ever so deeply; the two are not mutually exclusive.

Photography by Rachel Johnson (at Brooklyn Bridge)
I know for a fact that God does not tempt His own. But I also know that He allows us to be stretched and pressed beyond our usual measure whenever He’s gearing up to do something new in our lives. In my very limited human mind, I would wish this cup- the year 2014 be lifted away from me. Erased. Almost as though it never existed. However, how can I ever tell you that God heals when I have never been broken? Or that he is the lifter of my head when I have not been down trodden? How can I tell you that He is a joy giver when I have not cried myself to sleep? How can I possibly tell you that that you can breath again when I have not had the wind knocked off of me?
For the countless times I have literally had to convince myself to wake up in the morning, and the many instances I have had to drag myself to work, barely making it through the day without falling apart, I see God. His grace has surely covered me.

Beloved, God sees you. He knows your struggle, and He loves you all he same. Over the last couple of weeks I have been reminded that I am not here by chance. None of us are. God planned and orchestrated our existence for His divine plan, and has strategically placed us here to be a light in the darkness. This season in your life is not a mistake. It is significant, no matter how difficult or meaningless it may seem.

My prayer for you as you start this new month is that God will give you sustaining grace until you become all He has called you to be. May your strength be renewed, day by day. May God give you the wisdom you need, to excel and thrive in all you set out to do. Just as I have prayed for divine favor over my life, I pray the same for you beloved. I also pray that you find the courage to wake up every morning, put one foot in front of the other and keep moving even when things do not make sense. I hope that in spite of everything that comes your way, you will choose to live above and not under the circumstances. 
When your hope meter runs low, I pray beloved that you will be reminded of this truth: that God is enough.

From my heart to yours,

Kambua M.


  1. thank you so much for these words, feeling blessed,God bless you Kambua

  2. I know this struggle so well .....
    I sing this song so often ....

    Lately, I've been winning battles left and right
    But even winners can get wounded in the fight
    People say that I'm amazing strong beyond my years
    But they don't see inside of me, I'm hiding all the tears

    They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
    They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
    I drop my sword and cry for just a while
    'Cause deep inside this armor the warrior is a child

    Unafraid because His armor is the best
    But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest
    People say that I'm amazing never face retreat
    But they don't see the enemies that lay me at His feet

    They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
    They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
    I drop my sword and and cry for just a while
    'Cause deep inside this armor the warrior is a child

    They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
    They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
    I drop my sword and look up for a smile
    'Cause deep inside this armor, deep inside this armor
    Deep inside this armor the warrior is a child

    Twila Paris - The Warrior Is A Child

  3. Wow I totally relate it's been a tough year but I am so glad I didn't give up. Baraka Kambua!

  4. Thanks Kambua.... That totally made my day...God bless yoi

  5. This reminds me that nothing and no one knows how much worth there is in them if not broken.When something breaks its easy to tell what it holds within.
    It reminds me of transition,its hard ,untimely yet it bears the best of it at any one time,just like the sand dunes we see the beauty but never bother to ask ourselves how much more did it take for its beauty to be revealed.
    The shifting sands take forever to expose the beauty in the sand dune and its change is so unnoticeable yet with the shift,it hold so much beauty when tossed over by the wind and forms magestically on the ground. . .
    Brokeness brings forth much more than we knew about ourselves,and how beautiful would we get when broken in His perfect will?

    In the broke ness of His son we got identity,he broke so we maybe redeemed, where broke ness is so is magestic growth,when a seed goes to the soil during sowing it dies,breaks and sprouts forth ready for conception and thus brings forth fruit. . . and so do we when we are broken ,we are made better,stronger and happier. .
    Broke ness shows how worth we are within !


  6. You speak my heart and sing my song in such a beautiful way. Thank you for your strength and courage that strengthen and encourage me. Thank you for your love, prayers, texts, phone calls and hugs. Thank you for your writing and musings. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you. I appreciate you as a friend and fall more in love with your writing every time I read you. This new season will bear so much more than you could ever have asked for. And I'll be right here cheering you on. Love you girl!!!!!

  7. Bless you dear...... this is truly refreshing and inspiring...

  8. Nice one there!!! U made me smile this morning .Thanks for ur reminder that, even if things seems to be tough God is in control.bless u

  9. Inspirational and indeed God is enough,

  10. Waterworks.... I can barely control the tears flowing as I read on... Thanks Kambua for the encouraging words!

  11. Kambua, feel very encouraged and inspired by your kind and honest words.... U r trully a blessing

  12. i love that message sister Kambua. its at the right time and to the right person, thats me. I know some day i will sing "ITS OVER". i ve been having a seriouosly hard time since 2012-date But i know God will lift my head.

  13. You are blessed child you brought tears. Very inspiring read

  14. God bless you Kambua you are a blessing may God bless you too.

  15. this has blessed me..GOD BLESS YOU.

  16. strong words there Miss Manundu,, God shower yu with his unconditional Love:::

  17. This met me at my time of need. I knew some of this but did not believe in it. thanks to this article, my knowledge is replenished and my heart feels lighter. All His children shall see and live through brighter days. All to the Glory and honor of The Almighty God.

    Be blessed Kambua. Be blessed.

  18. i am truly blessed by this

  19. That's a timely sent message for a hungry soul.... You are blessed K........

  20. your messages are so inspiring be blessed

  21. thanks Kambua,those words indeed give hope and inspiration to move on even when life seems not to be making "sense"

  22. This was timely....God bless you Kambua

  23. so touched, glad to know am not the only one facing something like this. thank God for His Grace

  24. Thank you for reminding me that this is just a season, just as you are a blessing to many, be blessed Kambua!

  25. Thank you kambua for reminding that God mercies are new and fresh every morning destined for divine favor love u

  26. As cliche' as it sounds, there is a reason for every season. I don't believe in a God who tempts us but I worship a mighty God who is always in control no matter what. He is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Alpha and Omega.

    GOOD TIMBER a poem by Douglas Malloch (third verse);

    Good timber does not grow with ease:
    The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
    The further sky, the greater length;
    The more the storm, the more the strength.
    By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
    In trees and men good timbers grow.

    God bless and strengthen you Kambua

  27. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. What a blessing and encouragement. I am thankful to God for allowing our paths meet. God bless you Kambua. Love from Minneapolis. ��

  28. Wow u bless me Kambua.God is enough.He will turn my mourning into blessing

  29. thanks Kambua,those words indeed give hope and inspiration to move on even when life seems not to be making "sense"

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  30. Very very inspiring. God bless you.


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