Monday 9 September 2013

Just Pull the Plug!

It is the innate nature of things to grow when they are fed, or else they die of starvation. Some things feed on dirt and scum…while other things find nourishment in pleasant things...others yet feed on the life of others, but whichever the case, animals, plants, dreams, ideas-  they all must be fed in order to grow.

Lately, I have been in a somewhat reflective, pensive space, and after some soul-searching and spending time talking to God I realized that I was simply feeling worn out by things I have willfully allowed to be a part of my life. They are like weeds that have grown over time and not until recently did I notice that they were choking the life out of my dreams, and suffocating my vision. Some of these proverbial weeds are in the form of friendships that have run their course, others are in the form of habits I have picked up along the way in an effort to fit in with people; to have a sense of belonging.
So I asked God to give me the courage to start a long-overdue damage control process, and the most amazing thing about allowing God to do the fixing is that when He’s done with you all that’s left are traces of His presence and an unmistakable mark of His glory on your life.

However, this ‘damage control’, I must admit, has not been easy. Sometimes I have tried to resist, then relented when I realized I was just postponing the inevitable, while other times- ouch!  It is just too painful, and I have to stop to catch my breath.  During this season I have asked for wisdom to know when to keep fighting for things, and when to walk away from them. It takes strength to do both.

I have also asked for the will power to resist all manner of temptation. God’s word says that he provides a way of escape whenever we are tempted. Meaning that we have no excuse to fall in to temptation by way of lying, bribing, fornicating, slandering, or allowing anything into our lives that breaks the heart of God. I came to the realization that I cannot truly say I love God when I keep pursuing the things that break His heart. He has paved a way of escape for each and every  one of us  without exception. 
Look around you; there is a way of escape. Take it, and don’t look back.

Dear God as you continue to help  me clean up my house, I pray that you do the same for anyone reading this who feels worn out and exhausted  by things they too have allowed to take root and bear fruit in their lives. For anyone who feels  that they may not survive the loneliness  that comes with walking the straight and narrow road…God I pray that you will give them a new and profound revelation of who you are, and how you give new strength for each passing day.
Thank you God for being the lifter of my head. Thank you for being my shield  and defense. Thank you for covering my shame. And for loving me through some of the most devastating seasons of my life, God I say, thank you. I am making a choice, right now, this day, at this moment, to honor the dreams you have given me and value the life you have blessed me with. To define my mission, and to keep running my own race.

As I share my journey with you beloved, I pray that you will see grace in my ruins, and that you will look past the mess, and into the beauty that God has traded my life for. As scary as it may be to let go of things that have defined you, if you trust the process to God, you will come out victorious.
Everything He has done for me, He can do for you, and more. Whatever has plagued you, mistakes you’ve made, terrible choices…everything that has tried to stifle your progress...the power is in your hands. Anything you feed, will grow, but if you cut off its supply, it will die.
So take a deep breath and do what I have chosen to do…just pull the plug!

Kambua M.