Tuesday 1 September 2015

Flowing In Our Purpose (by Winnie Thuku)

It has been a while since I blogged (with good reason), but now I am back. I have had the privilege of interacting with some amazing people in this journey called life, and recently I thought that it would be great for you to hear from some of the people I glean from. The first person I spoke to is Winnie Thuku. She is an author and blogger in her own right (Echoes Of My Heart). Winnie's life has served as a reminder to me that God works in the most powerful and mysterious of ways. This dear friend is also the one who first encouraged me to start blogging, and even went ahead to help me set up my page. I will forever be grateful to God for using her in that way. Winnie and her family recently re-located to Australia, and this blog post allows you to take a peek into her experience in a new land and what God has been teaching her. Journey with her, will you?

From my heart to yours,

Kambua M.

"My family and I recently moved from Nairobi, Kenya to a small country town of Dorrigo in Australia. From a bustling city so vibrant and alive and sometimes chaotic, to a small, beautiful and very calm town with almost empty streets. The culture shock has been real– the food, weather, fashion, and even the language. Coming to my husband’s home country I expected some culture shock but I got more than I expected.

This was a new season for my family and I wanted to enter its gates with thanksgiving, and so I was ready and willing to embrace Dorrigo with all of me. However, the church culture completely broke me. Back home churches were full of worshipers but here I was in a mostly secular society with somewhat empty churches. I cried. I missed the Kenyan fellowship where people praised, worshiped and prayed like everything depended on it. I longed for fellowship– fiery fellowship. I felt alone in a far away land. Sometimes the pain in my heart would be so great that it translated to physical pain and the tears would keep falling as my heart ached for God.

Walking through the beautiful streets of Dorrigo I fell in love with this place that was now my home, even though I knew it was a spiritual desert. Amazingly, even in this mess, I felt how close God was, closer than I had ever felt Him in my life. Most times I would break down in tears, overwhelmed by the undeniable presence of God. Unlike my native home where God is mentioned in most conversations, I was now in a town where God is hardly part of the equation, unless of course it is a Sunday morning. Still in this wilderness, the presence of God was thick and heavy, I could almost touch it.

Several weeks down the line, God, through the writings of a seasoned worshipper, Steve Swanson, started to teach me about worship. I am not a musician, and so I seek more to understand the heart as opposed to the art of worship. I am completely wrecked by the beauty of God’s presence and I enjoy it because I was created for worship.
“…for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Revelation 4: 11

Sadly, I meet people who tend to think that worship is something that only a select few are called to do- the talented, the gifted, and the skilled. The truth however is far from this since worship is for everyone. I do not know what it is that you are talented or skilled in, but the one thing I am sure you were created for, is worship. 

Dorrigo is a mountainous town which is home to an extensive rainforest, with many hills that seem to reach heaven. So imagine me, walking in the lonely streets of Dorrigo, with teary eyes overwhelmed by the presence of God! This is it. This is me joining nature’s choir! I may not have been in Kenya having a fiery worship session, but neither was I alone. I did not have the pleasure of a band or a choir with me, but I could still join in the eternal chorus of heaven, to effortlessly flow in my purpose and join them in worship!

In other words, I did not have to labour to create an atmosphere of worship since worship is not something that any man can initiate. No matter how talented or anointed, there is no man on the face of the earth who can start worship because worship is something that has been going on in heaven, and all we do when we come before God is simply join in with the rest of His creation. 

This blog post is not about me; it is an effort to encourage us all to desire to flow in our purpose– worship. Worship is not about a big stage, fancy lights, or making a crowd have goose bumps. Whether you can sing or not, whether you can talk or not. You are a worshipper whether you know it or not, created to exist and function in God’s presence. It is already in your spiritual DNA; Something that we ought to do effortlessly, yet many times we struggle so hard to worship instead of just flowing with and in The Spirit.

Our worship must be one that is separated from the world, one that is not based on false doctrines and hypocrisy. It must be a worship that is pure and holy, full of faith, and based on the living Word of God. True and spiritual worship is one that is offered by hearts that have been sanctified, hearts that have paid the price of waiting upon God; hearts that can connect in the spirit to the heavenly realm, enabling them to join in the very song that the heavenly hosts sing to the Lord.

This is the divine worship that accesses the heart of God and causes the heavens to open upon God’s people for a greater outpouring of His Spirit. It brings sanctification and transformation in the lives of people.

This is the kind of worship that prepares the way of the Lord, and ushers in revival in the church, in our homes, in our cities and in our nations, when His manifest glory has been released to us. 

My heart’s cry is that you my friend will be among those worshipers that the Lord is seeking; worshipers who will arise and join in the eternal chorus of heaven, because creation is eagerly waiting for the manifestation, the revealing of the sons and daughters of God, and you are one of them".  

Winnie Thuku-Craig