Monday 1 September 2014

Wait Your Turn

I am continually amazed at how much good news there is on Facebook, twitter, and instagram. Not a day goes by without seeing someone’s fabulous selfies, engagement pictures, wedding pictures...or a celebration of a new born baby, a graduation...or that someone bought a new car, a new house, got a new job...or my boyfriend did this, and my girlfriend did that...and just how everyone is living and loving life! Now you must admit that there are days when all that good news is simply depressing. I wonder to myself sometimes, are people really this happy? All the time? And then I realized that even I have mastered the art of social media glamour and glitz; I have learned to masquerade my feelings even when I feel nothing close to what my pictures and updates reflect.

What a superficial world we live in. How many times have you heard of someone you're acquainted with that has slipped into depression, or committed suicide? And then you log onto their Facebook page, and can’t quite tell what went wrong, because they seemed to have had it all together.

Last year I shared with you the story of Hannah. Can you imagine how hard it was for her to put on a facade while deep down she was hurting due to a deep desire being unmet?
How about Sarah, Abraham’s wife? She was beautiful, but she was also barren. Can you imagine the shame of being married to a man of God as powerful as Abraham and being unable to conceive?
Think about Elijah, who despite being a great prophet and man of faith, battled depression. God had used him in such a powerful way, and yet Elijah wished he would die.
How about the classic story of Job? Losing everything and just about everyone he loved, and on top of that being plagued by serious illness?
What about the Shepherd boy by the name of David- God sent the Prophet Samuel to anoint him as King. But it took sixteen years before the manifestation of that promise. Sixteen years! Can you imagine that?

In a world where everyone seems to be doing just fine, hear me say this: you are not alone. Everyone has their secret pain, a proverbial thorn in the flesh. The pot may look whole on the outside, but only when you fill it with water do you see the cracks it bears. The world is a capricious place, and things often happen that throw us off balance- no one is exempt. You may be reading this whilst having a silent storm, feeling frustrated and very alone because everyone seems to be walking on air, living abundant and meaningful lives. Beloved you must believe and understand that God will fulfill His purpose for your life, and He never fails.

I know how it feels to have a gnawing restlessness and vague dissatisfaction. But I also know how it feels when I surrender all that uncertainty to God. He makes it all worthwhile. You see, God never promised that you’d always walk on water. He never promised that your journey would be easy. But he did promise that when (not if) you go through the fire it will not burn you; and when you go through the waters they will not drown you. God also promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Which means that when you feel alone and it seems that no one can relate to your secret pain, you are not alone; God is right there with you.

Wait your turn beloved. After the storm the sun shines. After your pain grace abides. God I pray that when our patience is tested we will rest in you as a trustworthy authority that never fails. I pray that as we wait we will learn even more that your heart beats for, and not against us.
Beloved, I pray that this season will not wreck your view of God, but instead give you a deeper insight of who He truly is. May He grant you the strength to wait your turn.

From my heart to yours,

Kambua M.


  1. k,itz really encouraging.Am trully waiting for God over things upon my life.Thanks kambua,u are a lways a blessing to me.May God continue to bless you

  2. Amen kambua thank you for that powerful message it meant a lot love u and imiss you much

    1. You are welcome love. I miss you too! Write me sometime :)

  3. What a timely word.God bless you!

  4. Amen. Waiting my turn......

  5. Amen. A very encouraging message, you are surely a vessel of God

  6. Profound.....
    Reminds me of one of my favorite songs
    I don't mind waiting (Juanita's Bynum)

    1. I love that song too! Actually, the whole album :)

  7. God Bless You Abundantly Kambua...
    Always uplifting my spirits!

    1. Amen, God bless and strengthen you Romans!!

  8. wow very insightful

  9. What a timely word.God bless you gal!

  10. Very encouranging... God Bless you

  11. Thanx Kambua. Very deep word.

  12. Very encouraging.Thanks for the word n be blessed K

  13. A word in time. I am going through a situation I cannot even talk about and on the verge of a breakdown but God sent this in time. I will wait for my turn. Thank you Kambua.

    1. My dear virtual friend...whatever you're going through, God is willing and able to carry you through. Don't give up. Keep your head up. May He bless you and put a new song in your mouth! Amen.

  14. Amen, i am waiting on God to make things beautiful in His time. I know in the end i will be amazed by the reason as to why He is taking me through this season. But i am glad for the tough season because it is enabling me to see that only He is the author of my life story.

    1. Yes! The tough seasons build our muscle...blessings to you Linda!!

  15. Am So blessed may God renew your strength everyday as you continue to encourage others.

  16. Thanks for sharing. Very sensible.

  17. It's truly from your heart to mine, God never sleeps, never slumbers,never tires from hearing our cries. He strength manifest in our weakness, despite the hardships and roughness of the world, I rest assured of God's love n abundant Grace.

    1. He is a faithful God, always watching over us. Rest assured :)

  18. Amen!! Thankew for always blessing my such a blessed wesome gal..

  19. Thanks for taking time to strengthen someone and remind us of God's faithfulness. It does not matter how fierce the storm may look, the sun will shine again. I will never leave you nor forsake you- this is a super promise from the throne of God.

  20. i really enjoy your blog its so uplifting i thank God for you and may he continue blessing you to be come a blessing to others.

    1. Thank you for reading, it encourages me too :))

  21. Good Read , I will wait for my turn . Amen.

  22. Very Uplifting Kambua, that after the storm the sun shines and after your pain grace abides.

  23. Very Uplifting, that after the storm the sun shines and after your pain grace abides.

  24. i say a big AMEN to this!!!

  25. AMEN.Am still i know HE is GOD

  26. So timely :) love every bit of those words,uplifting indeed

    1. God bless you! I'll check out your blog too :)

  27. That has and will always be a testimony to me for others. I have experienced him in my life and he is always by my side.

    Thanks gal for your encouraging words.

  28. I needed to read this so much today......very teary. Thanks woman of God, may God continue blessing you....xoxo

  29. Thanks for the simple but wise words.

  30. AMEN and thank you for the blog. it is very timely

  31. Hebrews 13:5 Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, "I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you." any other voice speaking otherwise is a lie from hell do not believe it folks!

  32. U have spoken my situation...av bn fling lft out by froends who are now leaving thea dreams while I fln my is stagnant. ..The msge jst brough bk hope to my hopless life my God bless u so much Kambua thnx u..

    1. Pray for them, for God to bless them even more. It will soon be your time to stand in the sun :))

  33. Thank you Kambua for posting this.You told my story straight up(silent storm)..thank you for the encouragement and being blunt with it.I am really blessed by it.May God richly bless you.

    1. Amen...all glory to God, may He bless you too!

  34. A well thought out piece, and very true. Be blessed even as you continue to share your thoughts

  35. A Beautiful piece indeed, I love it. Very encouraging.

  36. Thank you sso much. I am encouraged. His strength will indeed be made perfect in my weakness.

  37. Amazing and inspiring message.

  38. Thank you for sharing . This is heartfelt and true . If God is for us noone can be against us !

  39. Wow! Thanks for the message. It's so encouraging :)

  40. Thanks for such an insightful piece Kambua.

  41. A word sooooo timely.....#BlessYouKelitu :):)

  42. Thank you Kambua! Very true and uplifting, though I wish people would be more private and stop advertising themselves on social media.

  43. Thanks for such an encouraging word. It's so timely. God bless u.

  44. love it. This is exactly what i needed to hear today.

  45. very true, we live in a world where everyone is living perfectly yet in the secrets of our hearts we are hurting. ......but, we're never alone. God is always there

    1. Rom:8:28-And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

    2. Yes Susan...we're never alone.

      Christine...thank you for sharing that. k

  46. awesome, thank you for being so real, and reminding us to return to God........

    1. And thank you for allowing me to be :) God bless you!!

    2. Thanks so much for the encouragement , you are a blessing to us.

  47. So profound...I think thi is the second time reading this!..Thanks Kambua

  48. Wow thank you Kambua it 's still timely for me in 2016 and more years to come

  49. I really needed to hear this encouragement.Thank you for this piece. feeling encouraged and refreshed.I am patiently waiting for m turn.I thank God for using you to speak to me during this time when I was feeling confused with all that is happening


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