Thursday 31 July 2014

Stay Connected

If your mother is anything like mine, then my story will resonate well with you. But even if she’s not, stay with me, I promise I’m going somewhere with this: My mother is an amazing woman of faith and the older I get the more I glean from her strength and wisdom. Growing up, I would hear my mother pray early in the morning before sunrise. Every day without fail, she woke up to talk to God. I heard her pray because her prayers were not whispered, they were loud! ;-) When my mom prayed she mentioned just about everyone I know by name, asking for God to bless them…and then of course when it boiled down to us, her children, she'd pray for blessings but also about whatever issues we were dealing with. We only had to be awake to know what was going on in one another's lives! Mama talked to God about it, never mind that other people might hear. Bless her heart! I realized that the ‘mango’ doesn’t fall too far from the tree when I went to live with my grandmother for a few weeks, and the routine was the same- actually hers was worse...I learned about the history of Makueni through her prayers! Ehh…!! 

The other day I had to have a medical procedure that required me to be on bed-rest, and I ended up staying at my mom’s. I realized that very few things have changed about her, and this one thing has remained constant: my mom still wakes up early in the morning to talk to God…about my issues and many other wonderful things! Lol

Photography by Emmanuel Jambo
It was then than I started thinking to myself that my mother must have discovered the secret to making it through life. It dawned on me that the reason why she’s rock-solid, the reason why she’s as strong as a palm tree is because of her relationship with God. Palm trees have roots that not only spread out a great distance, but also go down deep. A palm tree can bend in a storm, but it will not break. I have watched my mom weather some very big storms, seen her deeply hurt, observed as she’s gone through the vicissitudes of life, but still she rises. 

And then I started to think about myself and saw the patterns clearly…the seasons that I have chosen to walk alone have been the toughest by far. Sometimes I have found myself walking away from God because I felt hurt, sometimes out of stubbornness, and other times out of flat out pride. In those moments I speak a litany of lies to myself as the world crumbles around me, and then end up hurt, broken, and having nowhere to turn, but to God.
On the flip-side there are other seasons where I have trusted God no matter the outcome. These have been pretty tough, but there seems to have been a softer landing when I've allowed God to go through them with me. 

Beloved, we always know the right road to follow, and yet we follow only the road that we have become accustomed to, the path of least resistance. We seem to live above the struggle, beneath the radar… somewhat gliding through life, but this path is also one that leads to desolation and deep despair, because you see I have found nothing worse than being outside the grace of God. It’s the grace of God that carries us when life overwhelms us. It’s His grace that keeps and sustains us. It’s only the grace of God that takes our shortcomings and mistakes and turns them into gain, instead of shame. It’s the grace of God that makes all the difference.

I have often heard it said that the will of God will never take you where His grace cannot protect you. Ain’t that the truth! When you walk under the shadow of God, he protects you and makes provision for all that you need. Away from it you become vulnerable, and prey for the enemy. 

I am making a choice to dig deeper…to discover the secret of staying connected to God, just like my mother did. I hope you do too!

From my heart to yours,
Kambua M.


  1. Wow,am so encouraged by your blog Kambua. Thanks for your timely message. Be blessed...

    1. You are so welcome...and blessings to you too!

  2. This is so touching...n a blessing! thank u..

  3. Prayer is reporting for duty :-)
    Thank you for reminding us to touch base with God everyday.
    May God mightily bless you Kambua!

    1. Yes! Reporting for duty! I couldn't have said it better. Blessings!

  4. I love reading your blogs, what an inspiration, what talent! I pray that God raises you higher and higher!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read them...God bless you.

  5. Thats wonderful
    God is the King of everything
    His always there if you look for Him
    No matter the time
    No matter the place
    No matter the condition
    Prayer are protocols of our life..remember that....

  6. Ooh yes! Jehovah, God of my mom, I pray I remain connected to you as she has always been or even better! My life has been dry and my vision so unclear during unprayerful moments! Revive me once again!

  7. Yes that sounds exactly like my mama! The more things change the more they remain tgr same. Blessed be Hus Holy Name

  8. God bless you K everytime i read your blog it inspires me so much and encourages me. Thank you

    1. Thank you for encourages me too. Blessings

  9. Thank you Kambua.Just what i needed to hear.God Bless you.

  10. wooow this is very sobering!!!

  11. Thank you so much Kambua. I really needed this.

  12. WOW,you are blessed and a blessing... am totally encourages and pact fully filled.... i have that kind of a mum,i can testify and she has taught me to put God on the forefront and i have never regretted,no matter what procedures the events in my life took,... PAINFUL OR AMUSING,god was always at the end and HE MAKES ME SMILE,...

    1. Our mothers are precious...a true blessing. Keep putting God first.

  13. You couldn't have said it better.God bless you Kambua

  14. This reminds me of my grandmother too. You only needed to be near the fence to know what her children and grand children are up to.

  15. A praying woman is highly favoured.I stick to prayer and God will never disappoint me.baraka Kambua

  16. its true a praying woman builds her home and is able overcome all

    1. Yes, a praying

  17. Amen.This is so timely considering we are transitioning into a new month. Your Mum sounds so much like Mine and for sure the Apple does not fall far from the tree.I am so grateful that we have been taught the power of prayer. My desire is to grow deeper,to pray harder and to intercede for those and everyone around me.

    Thank you for this Kambua...its always an amazing read. Tell us about Married life though...some of us would like to know how it is as we wait on God:-)

    1. Yes, the power of prayer...
      Maybe someday I will write about marriage, the day hasn't yet come :). I will pray for you as you continue to wait on Him.

  18. thanx booboo,just what i needed now.

  19. This is a woman of God, I Love You

  20. u r so inspiring

  21. truly on point.....God bless you

  22. God bless you this reminds me so much of my mum and my grandmas too, thank you so much dear for this blog love u nglo

  23. May His Grace continue to shine through your words. Am truly touched, Kambua. Keep writing, Praise His Name!

  24. Thank you Kambu,your blog is an inspiration I tell you! my mama also prays in such kind of a manner and come to think of it,i should perfect such. We really need to gather all the strength to pray no matter the times

    1. I guess we can draw many similarities between our mothers :) Blessings!

  25. Always so inspiring and on point! I pray that we can be for our loved ones and daughters what our mums have been for us! Keep blessings us as you get blessed.

  26. thank you.Indeed His will cannot take you where His grace is not sufficient. love that piece of work.

  27. For me, it sounded like a song. Very well articulated and encouraging. I hope that one day I will become such a mother when the season comes.

  28. Actually, One of my many resolutions this beautiful year is to Stay more n More closer to GOD than never before......This is soooo encouraging ! Thanks you and be BLESSED Kelitu.:):)

  29. Just what I needed. I have made it a resolve to incorporate your blog as part of my devotional reads. So real, so inspiring.

  30. Kambua, you should be a preacher, not just a blogger. not everyone can acces a computer. With words like these you will save not just one life but millions! Please think about it.

  31. Kambua, you should be a preacher, not just a blogger because not everyone can access a computer. With words like these you will save not just one life but millions!!! Please think about it.

  32. iam happy being born at a time a great luminary like you is there to nourish my soul with virtues of life...God be with you

  33. Hi Kambua
    You say that your grandmas routine for prayer was "worse" than your mum.
    Do you believe in listening to your heart?
    Has your heart been telling you there is something wrong with all this religious stuff you have grown up with?
    What was your reaction when you heard rufftone wife was visibly pregnant in a month of marriage. Did something not sound right?
    Well Kambua. Its time to ditch salvation and prayer and fasting kind of life.
    I know i sound like the angel of the devil. But a looong time ago i would say i was
    Around me were hot headed preachers impregnating sisters in the c.u and the kiunas playing golf in south africa on members tithes....and such like drama...

    Thank God i am out.
    I am not asking you to just stand up and leave. Its very hard to do it by the way after years of a given way of life.

    Only think about my words.

    You may yet have a real life that belongs sorely to you.
    Not your parents, not the saved folk. all yours.



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