Sunday 30 March 2014

A Simple Message...

God will never give you more than you can bear. That’s my simple message to you today. It seems that there is a lot going on with people lately. Well that’s the way of life I suppose. Often times I have wondered how long we have to stand in the rain before it subsides. I have found that there is nothing harder than waiting on God for deliverance. It is in the waiting that God's word is tried, tested, and proven to be powerful and true. He never said there wouldn’t be trials- He only promised that He would go through them with you; He promised to give you sustaining grace, and peace that passes all human understanding.

There have been times in my life when I have been so overwhelmed and almost drowned myself in tears, but God. In this difficult, seemingly impossible season of your life I pray that you will look around and see traces of Him- your Redeemer. 

Through the darkest of times I have come to know beyond any shadow of doubt that I am not alone. God walks with me…He talks to me…wakes me up in the morning…carries me…watches over me when I sleep. He is with me.

God watches over you; He neither slumbers, nor sleeps. You are on His mind, constantly, every minute of every hour. Don’t give in. Let your faith keep looking up. The world will call you a fool for having hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, but God- He chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.  Have no fear and do not despair…let God be God.

A woman I dearly love spoke these words to me a few days ago, “When you feel you are at the end, that is where God begins”.  Beloved, if you have hit rock bottom, remember that the only other way to go from there is up. Cliché as it may sound, God never brought you this far to leave you. That is the honest truth. He will never forsake you. He called you by name and has loved you with an everlasting love. He has the ability to turn the deepest pain into a most beautiful story.

God I speak healing to every heart that is bleeding and in need of your touch. I speak hope to everyone that is in despair. I speak strength to every bone that is weak. I speak comfort for every tear that has fallen. I speak victory in every situation that seems impossible. I speak life to everyone who is at their end. 

Remember that death has no power over you; sickness, disease, poverty- no weapon from hell has power over you, because Jesus conquered it all. 

You are so blessed. From my heart to yours,

Kambua M.


  1. Oh my!! kambua.. Yo talking to so many troubled a heart's.... Am encouraged n I must share... Godbless.

  2. He is the sovereign God and our loving Him and Him alone, we put our trust.

  3. AMEN!
    Am in tears Kambua. I really needed this. I would have to read and re- read it again so that it may sink in.

    Christ is the solid rock, the solid rock that i hit rock bottom and i know it shall be well. I shall stand.

    1. May God strengthen you! May He wipe your tears and fill you with new courage...

  4. Amen. God bless you too.

    Jacque Ochieng

  5. Of late,i have repeatedly said that "its God who wakes me up,not my alarm clock".He is with me and is also for me.This a very deep write Kambua,and when you write of tears, love to think of how King David wrote that God keeps our tears in a skinbottle.He is that caring and i love Him with all of me.

    1. Yes, it is God...only God!! Blessings dear!

  6. Amen!

    Elizabeth Nzisa

  7. Amen!!!..God bless you too.

  8. Thankyou Regina


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