Sunday 23 December 2012

He Remembers You

I have always loved the sound of falling rain, and especially when it falls and finds me cozily tucked away in my house, either by a fire or with a hot cup of coffee. It is on rainy rights that I especially sleep very soundly. There’s a comfort that comes with the sound of falling rain. But I also remember nights spent at my grandparent’s place- whenever it rained at night, the sound would be deafening, because it was falling on iron sheets, ‘mabati’ if you like. Sometimes I’d try and cover my head with the blanket in an attempt to muffle the noise, with little success of course. The rain would pound mercilessly and relentlessly on the roof, for hours on end. It was almost impossible to even have a conversation unless you had the energy to literally yell over the cluttering sound of loose rooftop sheets.

Life can sometimes seem like that…when you feel as though it’s rained for hours on end. The sound of your frustration is so loud, and clearly mirrored by those around you. You wish you had control over the events that keep unfolding. You wait, and pray, and hope for a miracle, a breather; but it doesn’t come. At least not as fast as you wished it could.  There are times when the enemy comes in like the flood that the prophet Isaiah liked him to. Everything that could possibly go wrong inevitably goes wrong. And when you think that it couldn’t get any worse, guess what? It does. The enemy will come at you in every way possible, to attack your mind, your marriage, your ministry; everything that is born of God in your life. But Isaiah goes on to say that the Spirit of God will lift up a standard, a shield against Him. The Lord allowed Satan to test Job, but He also put limitations on how far the devil could go. The same has He done for you; He will allow you to be tested, but there is a demarcation. When you feel you're at a breaking point and can't handle any more pressure, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up the wall of the blood of Jesus and tells Satan, 'This far and no further'!

Beloved, there is a wall of protection around you; against any wiles of the enemy, those that you see and those that you’re not even aware of- the Lord protects you against them all. There is also a time of deliverance for you. In the same way that the rain pours hard, but eventually ceases, so is there a time of rest for you. It may have taken many stormy, dark, lonely, frustrating days for Noah in the ark, but the Word says that ‘God remembered Noah…’ This is not to mean that God had abandoned him when he was in the flood, it simply means that God kept His promise to Noah.  Many times we feel forgotten by God because of how battered by the storms of life we are. It seems as though we’ve been sailing out at sea with no navigator, no friend, and no God. He seems distant, and quiet. But God, who has faithfully carried me through dark nights and high waters want me to let you know that He hasn’t forgotten you. Your time of deliverance is at hand.  God remembers you, and He desires for you to remember Him, and all He’s carried you through. In your dark times, in your lonely times, and in your moments of defeat- remember God.  The flood-waters of your life may be a long ways from subsiding, but God remembers you. Just because it looks as though He’s not working does not mean He isn’t. His ways are not our ways. He works in ways that only He can.

As you wait for the rain to stop, allow Him to keep you in the eye of the storm; that place of quiet and rest right in the middle of chaos. He will give you sustaining grace to weather any situation. When your resources are depleted and you feel that all hope is lost, God has provided a refuge that's higher than your circumstances; a place where you live under His divine protection.

You are not alone, God promises to never leave you nor forsake you…He remembers you.

Kambua M.

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